Hello everybody, I have not written in a while, it's time to get back on track. I spend my week-end in Noosa (on the Sunshine Coast, up North from Brisbane) with Charlie and his friends (who, for the record, all ran the triathlon, I felt really lazy). Charlie is an Aussie bloke I met in Barcelona. He and his friend (Tim) were bagpacking aroung Europe. Another nice meeting (thanks CS!).

Many seemed in real pain ! That is to say that a triathlon is divided into:
- - 1.5 kms de natation / swimming
- - 40 kms de vélo / biking
- - 10 kms de course à pied / running
(Note: These are the Olympic distances, all followed on, otherwhise where is the fun !?)

Here is my new haircut (it was windy outside, needless to say). I love my fringe For those keen to know: I decided to train with the view to race a triathlon one day (when? no idea, but at least it gives me some objectives for my trainings).
2 commentaires:
yahou!!!!!! le triathlon, je connais! J'ai même été dans les pionnères en France à la pratiquer. Alors, bon courage, c'est une très bonne discipline!! et comme je n'aime pas du tout la natation, je m'étais orientée vers le triathlon d'hiver. Normal pour quelqu'un de la montagne.....
Bisous ma grande
Hey La Lu, j'ai essayé de t'appeler sur skype mais tu n'étais pas là.
Quelques conseils pour mes entraînements ?
La bise australienne
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