I have always wanted to feel involved with the multiple fights against AIDS, Cancer, and other sicknesses that prevent thousands of people from having a 'normal' life. Tonight I finally had the opportunity to run for the sake of the cause. Brisbane city supports multiple schlerosis (MS) research.

Au programme 10 kms de course à pied (ou marche) le long de la Brisbane River. Partie avec le peloton de tête, j'ai fini le parcours en 40 minutes (je suis même passée devant un marathonien, grisant !). C'est génial de finir la course en se disant qu'on a tout donné. Une superbe expérience à renouveler rapidement.
The programme for the walk: 10kms running (or walking) along the Brisbane River. I started in the leading pack, and finished the race in 40 minutes (I overtook a marathon runner, how exhilarating!). It feels great to finish the race, thinking that you surpass yourself. A fantastic experience to renew soon.

The programme for the walk: 10kms running (or walking) along the Brisbane River. I started in the leading pack, and finished the race in 40 minutes (I overtook a marathon runner, how exhilarating!). It feels great to finish the race, thinking that you surpass yourself. A fantastic experience to renew soon.

2 commentaires:
Bravo Charlotte ... Lyon est fier de toi .... Gaël
Lyon oui mais ce que Gaël ne t'a pas dis c'est la France entière qui est fière de toi.
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