Vendredi était consacré à la visite des parcs nationaux à proximité de Melbourne. C'est avec Kate que je suis allée faire une viré chez nos amis les pingouins de Phillip Island. Les photos ne sont pas d'excellente qualité, mais sans le flash et en pleine nuit dur dur de faire mieux.
Friday was devoted to the visit of national parks nearby Melbourne. Kate joined me with the trip to Phillip Island and its penguins. Pictures are not of such good quality, but with no flash and after night fall, it was difficult to do better.

Un peu de culture G: saviez-vous que les 'little penguins' australiens sont les plus petits du monde ? Ils mesurent en moyenne entre 30 et 35 cm de haut, et ne pèsent pas plus de 1 kg une fois la taille adulte atteinte.
Notes: did you know that the Australian little penguins are the smallest one in the world? They measure in between 30 to 35 cm, and weight no more than 1kg once they reach their definite size.
Friday was devoted to the visit of national parks nearby Melbourne. Kate joined me with the trip to Phillip Island and its penguins. Pictures are not of such good quality, but with no flash and after night fall, it was difficult to do better.

Notes: did you know that the Australian little penguins are the smallest one in the world? They measure in between 30 to 35 cm, and weight no more than 1kg once they reach their definite size.
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