Voilà un moment que je souhaite voir l'océan (bah oui, l'Australie sans la mer c'est un peu comme l'Espagne sans mojitos !). Aujourd'hui c'est chose faite ; merci à Chris qui m'a gentiment accompagnée pour la journée.
It has been a while since I wanted to see the ocean (Australia without the sea, it is pretty much like Spain without mojitos!). Thanks to Chris, I finally saw it.

It took us about 1 hour to get there (by car). Otherwise, you can just take the train from Brisbane city. No more talks, enjoy:

The Gold Coast is well-known for its high-school end-of-the-year parties.

We had lunch at the Hard Roch Cafe (we better enjoyed that: there are only three of them in Australia: in Melbourne, Sydney, and Gold Coast). I love their ambiance (not to mention that the pink bra is Gwen Stephanie's).

We then went to say hi to the wallabies and koalas.
Le koala a lui été plus timide (cherchez bien la petite boule de poils au milieu des feuillages).

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