Il y a encore 1 mois je ne savais pas que je partirais. J'étais en pleine préparation de mes vacances en Grèce, mais loin de moi l'idée de partir aussi rapidement à Brisbane...
I did not know I would be leaving only in a month time. I was getting ready for my holidays in Grece, and I was far from imagining that I would be living soon in Brisbane...

Coup de fil, alors que je profitais des (fabuleuses) plages grecques, me confirmant l'offre de Griffith University et me demandant si j'avais déjà acheté mon billet d'avion.
I received a phone call; while I was making the most of the (fabulous) Greek beaches, confirming my enrolment at Griffith University, and asking me if I had bought my plane ticket yet.
I received a phone call; while I was making the most of the (fabulous) Greek beaches, confirming my enrolment at Griffith University, and asking me if I had bought my plane ticket yet.
Réponse : "Heu... C'est pas un peu trop tôt ??!!??", et bien non puisque l'offre concerne un début d'année scolaire pour... Juillet 2009...
Answer: "Hum... Isn't it a bit early for that??!!??", as a matter of fact no since the offer was for me to start in... July 2009...
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